
If you are looking for Inspiration, I think he’s at the blog next door. I spent long hours chasing him the other day, and I almost caught him, but Writer’s Block jumped out from behind a dumpster and stole my wallet. He also hit me over the head with a lethal cocktail of distraction and Youtube.

Even without help, Inspiration is a tricky little monster. Almost as tricky as his cousin Ridiculousness. One of Ridiculousness’s favorite games is to dress up as Inspiration and lead me on a wild goose chase, gobbling up my paper and drinking all my ink. He’s everywhere too, and shows up in lots of places at the same time, which is one heck of a superpower if you ask me. Everyone is a little ridiculous sometimes, some people more than others as my wife is so fond of reminding me any time I try to sing along with Arch Enemy.

I think Ridiculousness might have an evil twin too. Sometimes he’s just funny, spreading mirth and laughter wherever he goes. A few minutes later I see him leading an outraged mob waving phones and social media posts. The twin thing would certainly explain why he can be in two places at once. I think I’ll call them Funny Ridiculousness and Scary Ridiculousness. If they invite Inspiration along and I can keep them away from other people, they are actually pretty helpful. When they are alone and running rampant it’s another story. If you get lucky though, you can sometimes nab Inspiration as he sneaks back in to watch the chaos. Then you can turn Ridiculousness on his head and turn his trouble into something good, at least until Inspiration pulls the fire alarm and jumps out the window.

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